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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 4657
  Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
I just realized that LDConfig.ldr has a problem -- it does not have DOS line breaks. Each line should be terminated by CR/LF. Instead, this file just has LF characters. This format breaks some functionality (maybe unreleased...) of LDAO. I thought (...) (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) So I've noticed, too. But I've quit pointing those problems out. My latest method to fix line breaks is simply to load and save the file in question in Windows WordPad. That's all it takes to fix it, and WordPad is always installed in Windows (...) (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) Many thanks for pointing this out. The CR/LF error in the LDC*.ldr files is now fixed in the current downloads. Chris Dee (LDraw Parts Library Admin) (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) The 1.0 LDraw File Format specification itself is silent on the matter of line endings, but indeed the "File Format Restrictions for Official Parts" requires DOS line endings ((URL) opinion is that while well-behaved software should output (...) (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) Wow. Thanks for the incredibly rapid resolution. :) Steve (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) for the DOS line ending requirement, I conducted a relatively comprehensive compatibility inventory. (URL) nearly twenty programs tested (see the post for repetitive screenshots), only James J's LDRAW and LEDIT (and perhaps LDAO, although I (...) (14 years ago, 8-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) Yes, what a fantastic collection of software we have, and all for free! After trying some alternatives, I have returned to use Windows Notepad as my LDraw file editor. The alternatives all had their advantages, but for various reasons I wasn't (...) (14 years ago, 9-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) putting that together, it was a neat read. (...) Exactly. (...) :) Steve (14 years ago, 9-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)

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