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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 4358
4357  |  4359
Re: Best practice for using unofficial parts?
Mon, 1 Sep 2008 23:11:46 GMT
9951 times
In, William R. Ward wrote:
At BrickFair I made an MPD file of a covered cylindrical hopper car by Margaret
Keys, but it used two unofficial parts.  To make the file, I downloaded the
parts (and the needed subassembly files) into my parts library, but if I share
it with others then the unofficial parts won't be there.

What's the best way to handle this?  I see two options:

1. Release the file as is, with instructions on which files you need to download
from the unofficial parts library


2. Include the unofficial parts in the MPD file itself.

I use number 2 and I think it's the standard practice.
In an act of shameless self promotion, I recommend MPD Wizard: (may not work with Vista)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Best practice for using unofficial parts?
(...) Do you have any help files on that tool? I don't understand how to use it. For one thing I put unofficial parts into my regular LDRAW\PARTS directory, so there is no "unofficial parts path." I wasn't aware that MLCAD could scan multiple parts (...) (16 years ago, 1-Sep-08, to

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  Best practice for using unofficial parts?
At BrickFair I made an MPD file of a covered cylindrical hopper car by Margaret Keys, but it used two unofficial parts. To make the file, I downloaded the parts (and the needed subassembly files) into my parts library, but if I share it with others (...) (16 years ago, 1-Sep-08, to

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