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 CAD / 16850
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Re: Simple LDraw viewer code for
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:22:22 GMT
12151 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Jim DeVona wrote:

I look forward to seeing how this progresses.


Here it looks very promising.
But what will be the loading time if I have larger models?

That is the key question. I have not tried a larger model yet (it takes some
preparation first to inline the model). I think I first may try to address the
question of how to efficiently enable part library access for the embedded

I would be very interested in this kind of app as it will make things much more
easy to display models to the webside visitor (see my "personal OMR" at
No more create pictures and put them in the webpage. Only this tiny little

I agree - the idea of an online gallery is partly what motivated me to try this.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Simple LDraw viewer code for
(...) Here it looks very promising. But what will be the loading time if I have larger models? I would be very interested in this kind of app as it will make things much more easy to display models to the webside visitor (see my "personal OMR" at (...) (14 years ago, 12-Jan-10, to lugnet.cad)

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