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Re: Simple LDraw viewer code for
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:12:33 GMT
12115 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
I have also made an attempt to build a viewer, but it is also very limited in
what it can do (very little files if you do not wait an hour, no optional lines,
but it could read subfiles).
As I discovered that it is quite easy to write a viewer for some lines, but
much, much for effort to have a quick working LDraw viewer I left that project
and asked for a DLL from the current working LDraw viewer that I can use in my

So at present I am still searching for such a .NET DLL for a viewer that can be
used on all OS without to be recompiled.

I tried to write a viewer once too (as a series of experimentation of maybe
having done a CAD program for parts authors!) using Tcl and OpenGL, but it
turned out to be *REALLY* slow, most probably due to bad subfile handling. While
the Animal Frog piece was not *so* bad, 3002.dat was incredibly slow and the PF
M-Motor threw an overflow error. So much for that. :)

Akin to Mike's hopes, an LDraw viewer library for tcl3d (=OpenGL bindings for
Tcl) would indeed work for me...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Simple LDraw viewer code for
(...) Incidentally, Processing does have an OpenGL renderer (JOGL), although I haven't done any sort of testing to see how significant the performance benefit is. I used the software renderer for the web viewer I posted just because the support (...) (14 years ago, 12-Jan-10, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Simple LDraw viewer code for
(...) That looks very good. I have also made an attempt to build a viewer, but it is also very limited in what it can do (very little files if you do not wait an hour, no optional lines, but it could read subfiles). As I discovered that it is quite (...) (14 years ago, 12-Jan-10, to lugnet.cad)

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