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Re: Purpose of physical colour parts
Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:20:20 GMT
7614 times
In lugnet.cad, Matthew J. Chiles <> wrote:
I've got another part (55423) in the system that has only 1 certify
vote after almost 2 years (thank you Philo), and it is an extremely
useful part that people actually need.  Perhaps the reviewers are
afraid to take the time - I know I would be if I were a reviewer.  The
stakes are too high with the way the bar is currently set - the
commitment to properly review a part is hours per part.

Sorry Matt but this is cheap. Everyone who has the skills to author a part has
all that's needed to review one. Instead of blaiming the reviewers go and ask
for review rights - it might takes hours to review a part but it takes less than
author one.

It would be better I think to look at the part from a wide angle and
send it through... if there are no glaring errors probably nobody will
ever notice them.  If the little errors are ever a problem for anyone,
then can be fixed later as they are noticed.  But in the mean time
there is another official part for people to use.

This is already possible:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Purpose of physical colour parts
(...) Amen! Preach it Brother Allen! I agree with you on all fronts. In the good news department - a part I first submitted 3 1/2 years ago (40375) finally got certified this weekend. But the pace of output for this stuff in painfully slow, and (...) (15 years ago, 13-Apr-09, to lugnet.cad)

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