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Star Wars and Moby commisioned illustrations from back in 2002
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.mediawatch,, lugnet.starwars
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 09:41:55 GMT
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10591 times
Don’t know why it’s taken me so long to post these, but anyhow back in 2002 I was commisioned to do a couple of LEGO illustrations, one for SPIN magazine, one for Mojo magazine. Here they are for the first time online:

This one was to accompany an article about the various terrible Star Wars knock-offs were released around the world in the wake of the success of the original movie. I was asked to show a behind-the-scenes shot of Star Wars characters getting up to all sorts of crazy @#$%.

This one was a full-page illustration to accompany Mojo magazine’s review of the (then new) album 18 by Moby. The idea behind this one is that Moby is leaving Planet Electronica behind him. Extra points to anyone who can identify five electronica acts that are being left!

-Brendan Powell Smith

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Star Wars and Moby commisioned illustrations from back in 2002
LMAO again dude, you never fail to amuse me! I have to ask: What is C3PO doing? is he eating that, or is it supposed to be his <thing I can't mention here>???? And I'm assuming that the stuff in the glasses is actually either coke or pepsi, though I (...) (20 years ago, 19-Mar-05, to
  Re: Star Wars and Moby commisioned illustrations from back in 2002
(...) I think I can see Chemical Brothers and The Prodigy. Is it Daft Punk in the goggles? (20 years ago, 19-Mar-05, to, FTX)

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