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Kabaya Ghost Stories
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 00:10:40 GMT
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Kabaya Ghost Stories in LEGO!

Late last year I went to a Japanese grocery store in my neighborhood and
purchased a few of the Kabaya candy Lego sets (the dinosaur and Star Wars
series). There I noticed another Kabaya series of candy toys about Japanese
ghost that were created by an artist named Takaki Yamamoto. Each box
contained a small random vignette-type scene, a short story about the scene
and a piece of chewing gum. Intrigued by the idea of making Lego versions, I
purchased one of each from the set and got busy creating them.

There are five stories in all. Read the read-me files for a translation of
each story and more information.

Main Ghost Story Brickshelf Page with box pictures and group shots.

The Five Stories:
The Haunted Tunnel Under the Graveyard
The Oiran’s Ghost
The Marathon Running Ghost
Chased By the Ghost Nurse
The Woman Who Ran On All Fours

I hope you enjoy them!

Patrick Y.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Kabaya Ghost Stories
(...) Wow. This is a real treat right before I go to bed. LEGO at its best. (URL) Blogged.> (URL) [ j o n ] (URL) [ z e m i d o t n e t ]> :: lego weblog :: creations :: moonbase (19 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Kabaya Ghost Stories
Hey Pat, Wow! Vignette prowess really runs deep in the Yrizarry family gene pool! There is so much coolness about this series of vignettes: The mere fact that these LEGO vignettes are based on ??? (porcelain?) vignettes. The way you matched the figs (...) (19 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Kabaya Ghost Stories
(...) I don't care if i'm the third person in a row to say this...but, WoW!!! Really good stuff man. You accuracy from those candy toy to Lego bricks is precise and excellent. Well done, good capture of mood... you managed to grasp the eerie and (...) (19 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to

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