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Re: $20 Znap sets WITH 9V MOTOR !!!
Thu, 25 May 2000 13:24:20 GMT
3265 times
What store did you buy your Znaps in?

I've tried Zellers, The Bay, Wal-Mart, and TRU here in Toronto.


(remove cc from atkincc to email me)

Dean Husby wrote in message <>...
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

PS ZNAP does have the same thumb soreness problem that KNex does, eh?

Sadly YES. I just bough the yellow/black car. Motor + Wire + 9 Volt Box. • Great
deal for $30 CDN! The two flex axles are GREAT! I plan on making a bridge • out of
the black parts. Any URL's with pics and maybe building instructions for • Bridges?

My hands are shaking after putting the car together. Very odd looking. I • suffer
from tendentious and do not recommend znap to anyone suffering from • arm/hand

Coin-Op's For Sale!:
Dean's Lego Workshop:
Vancouver Lego Club:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: $20 Znap sets WITH 9V MOTOR !!!
(...) The TRU here in BC had a whole wall of them. But had a sign stating that they were all there were and that they were not avail at all locations. Since TRU is a US company they get some stuff months before the other CANADA stores. Dean -- (...) (25 years ago, 25-May-00, to lugnet.znap)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: $20 Znap sets WITH 9V MOTOR !!!
(...) Sadly YES. I just bough the yellow/black car. Motor + Wire + 9 Volt Box. Great deal for $30 CDN! The two flex axles are GREAT! I plan on making a bridge out of the black parts. Any URL's with pics and maybe building instructions for Bridges? (...) (25 years ago, 24-May-00, to lugnet.znap)

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