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 Year / 2002 / 330
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) It definitely looks like a plate. Given that the mold is new, I wouldn't be surprised if they're getting mileage out of it. That polar bear in the big set looks nice and menacing for minifigs, too. (...) That looks to me like the new medium (...) (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) Not as menacing as a Duplo polar bear ;^) (...) That was my first thought. It's always hard working out the colours from box artwork, especially the size of the images on (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) Umm, someone's confused here. Pete and I have been discussing the 12x12 quarter circle base brick in 5850. I seriously doubt they've changed to a plate. Perhaps you're thinking about the 8x8 plate in 5838. (...) It's somewhat larger than the (...) (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) You don't have to be so diplomatic, because it's obvious that I'm confused here. :D Yes, I'm thinking about that. I'll go back and look at it again--a trans-medblue brick would be really neat. (...) Ack. I'm not sure I like it anymore. I (...) (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) :-) Yes, a trans blue base brick would be super cool. That would definitely be close to the biggest transparent piece (the large quarter domes are still larger though). (...) Another minus about it is that it is all rounded and such which (...) (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)
  Re: New 2002 Belville Sets
(...) I guess it's meant to simulate ice, since the princess is skating about. Imagine 4 of these quarter circle base bricks with a light source below. (...) Fetch Frosty, fetch. Go get the stick. (23 years ago, 10-Feb-02, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.belville)

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