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 Trains / Train Organizations / 524
    Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July —John Neal
    (...) My mistake. We set up at the crack of dawn on the 12th and break down at the crack of dawn on the 16th. (...) Woo-hoo. My son and I are looking forward to creating in MLCAD:-) (...) What, that he gets to travel around Europe for 3 months or (...) (25 years ago, 26-May-00, to
        Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July —Russell Clark
     (...) I will be in Carlsbad arriving on Mon. July 10 and leaving Thurs. July 13. I will be at LEGOLAND both Tues. and Wed. Russell Clark, BayLUG/BayLTC (URL) 39423705 (25 years ago, 27-May-00, to
        Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July —Tim Courtney
   (...) Ok. I'm coming with him, so I'm there when he is. Need to make arrangements for a backdrop (or build one) and get some materials. What's the temp around that time there? In the shade of a tent? Need to know cause I'm gonna run a computer out (...) (25 years ago, 27-May-00, to
        Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July —Adrian Egli
    Tim Courtney <> wrote in message (...) Well, if this summer follows the old pattern of "June Gloom" (low clouds that burn off in the inland areas by noon but can hang around the beach 24hr, runs (...) (25 years ago, 30-May-00, to

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