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Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July
Fri, 26 May 2000 22:05:22 GMT
743 times
Tim Courtney wrote:

In lugnet.announce John Neal <> wrote:

We weren't going to publicize until we had all of our ducks in a row,
but since Tim let the proverbial cat out of the bag and we are pretty
well set in our plans, I am proud to announce that the GMLTC has been
invited to display their train layout at LegoLand California during
their first annual Kidvention in July.

Oops!  I thought the cat was poking its head out already...(from some
obscure train discussions) so I figured it was safe.  Also, Heidi at
LD was pretty sure about it in our correspondence, which added to my
confidence. :\  I waited for my ducks too - just got the confirmation
from LD yesterday - all I have left to do is buy plane tickets and get
materials together (which will have to come mid-June, because of my
travel schedule in the next couple weeks.  Monday I go to Colorado and
don't get back till Fri, and then the following weekend I'm taking out
4 days to go to Brickfest in DC.  So between that and spending time as
a federal employee :), I'll be really busy getting that CD done. :\

Though I am surprised someone's making the drive, talking to Mike
Poindexter not terribly long ago on the phone he was surprised someone
would drive that far in a van to bring it there.

We will be showing in the park
from July 11th through the 16th.

I was told 12-15 IIRC from Mike.

My mistake.  We set up at the crack of dawn on the 12th and break down at
the crack of dawn on the 16th.

Oh well, the more the better.  I
might have to leave earlier though to fly home - probably returning on
the 17th.

Needless to say we are very excited
and are scrambling to work out all of the details.

So am I.  I have to finish the CD by then (mid June latest to get them
ready) and get some posters designed and models arranged, as well as
people to work with this.

Woo-hoo.  My son and I are looking forward to creating in MLCAD:-)

In an ironic twist,
the owner of the layout, Conan Collopy, will be traveling around Europe
with his wife during this time and so will miss the gig:-(

That's too bad.

What, that he gets to travel around Europe for 3 months or more with his
wife and find rare LEGO sets at rock-bottom prices?  ...Oh, you mean about
missing the Kidvention...;-)

We look forward to meeting any LUGNETters who will be able to attend!

I'm sure there will be a lot of them, from what I know a lot of
BAYLUGers are making it, I know Tom McD is trying to (to see you and
the trains, John - not me :( too, but he made that a point).
I believe Paul Gyugyi was thinking about it too...

Excellent.  Some "Old Schoolers" there:-)  I heard that Tom Stangl might
come as well, although if he does I'm going to have to count my gray train
windows after each day >;^D


I'm looking forward to it too!  With the recent formation of LUGOLA
I'm sure we'll get a few more out there as well.  Less than 2 months
to go...


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July
(...) I will be in Carlsbad arriving on Mon. July 10 and leaving Thurs. July 13. I will be at LEGOLAND both Tues. and Wed. Russell Clark, BayLUG/BayLTC (URL) 39423705 (25 years ago, 27-May-00, to
  Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July
(...) Ok. I'm coming with him, so I'm there when he is. Need to make arrangements for a backdrop (or build one) and get some materials. What's the temp around that time there? In the shade of a tent? Need to know cause I'm gonna run a computer out (...) (25 years ago, 27-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GMLTC to Display at Kidvention in July
(...) Oops! I thought the cat was poking its head out already...(from some obscure train discussions) so I figured it was safe. Also, Heidi at LD was pretty sure about it in our correspondence, which added to my confidence. :\ I waited for my ducks (...) (25 years ago, 26-May-00, to

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