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Re: Pictures of GFLTC at GATS Ft Myers on our stie...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:48:33 GMT
23 times
Check this out...

There's a 4563 engine. Nothing special, right? But it has a calf. At
least that's what I think it is, you can't see the trucks to be sure.
But I've not seen many calfs done before.

(a calf is RR slang for a cabless switcher unit. A B unit, sort of,
except it was only used in reference to switchers... "cow and calf".
Contrast with slug.)

PS, we need to get Robin a faster website, this one is slow.

Larry Pieniazek - - Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

Note: this is a family forum!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pictures of GFLTC at GATS Ft Myers on our stie...
(...) Direct link to JPEGs or GIFs on XOOM sites, don’t always work so try this: (URL) “GALLERY” (yellow tab) and Pick “GATS FT. MYERS 2000” (under tabs) 5th and 7th picture down from top... (...) Yes it’s a Calf, I made it because I wanted a second (...) (25 years ago, 18-Mar-00, to, lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Pictures of GFLTC at GATS Ft Myers on our stie...
Pictures of the Greater Florida LEGO Train Club(GFLTC) at the Great American Train Show(GATS) in Fort Myers, Florda are now up. Have a look at (URL) Ya... Robin W. GFLTC (25 years ago, 18-Mar-00, to, lugnet.trains)

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