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Re: Santa Fe B-Unit: OK or not?
Sun, 24 Jun 2007 22:30:40 GMT
11497 times
If I were you I would contact ebay.  Send them the pictures that you have and
let them know that you want it taken off.  I had several needlepoint designs
copied and kits were being sold on ebay.  I had a copyright on them and because
they zeroxed the insturctions ebay took them off.

It's good to hear they will act. Does this mean you create needlepoint and
collect Lego? Interesting combination of hobbies.

One point though, can brick designs be copyrighted?  Copyright law is very

Copyright law is complex. Ownership of copyright is usually very easy (at least
when it's not part of a contractual obligation to create it which this wasn't).
The creator of something owns the copyright of it.

Offering them to the public on Bricklink just might cause a copyright
not to exsist.
You offer them to inspire and if someone is inspired to build it
they might have the right to sell it.

It doesn't make any difference. You can do what you like with your own
copyrighted IP but unless you sell or donate the copyright you still own it. By
posting on Brickshelf you are making it available for viewing, not copying and
not selling.

Furthermore, as far as I know copyright doesn't even need to be enforced (unlike
a trademark). You could let twenty people copy and sell your thing and stop the
21st and you would be purely within your legal rights.


(If you build a Lego set, say Hogwarts castle and sell it, Lego has no rights to
that set even though it is their design.)

That is simply not true. LEGO own the copyright to their designs. You can resell
the set because you purchased the right to use their design and are selling that
right to the other person but they still retain full copyright.

Good luck, at least the forger has very good taste, your designs are great.
John P

And I can't argue with that.


PS. I am not a lawyer but I have done a fair bit of reading on copyright law.
This is not legal advice.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Santa Fe B-Unit: OK or not?
(...) not exactly. The printing of the design can be copyright, however what you do with building it is not. I am more familiar with the needlework part of this for an example. You cannot copy the instructions, however you can stitch as many designs (...) (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Santa Fe B-Unit: OK or not?
(...) If I were you I would contact ebay. Send them the pictures that you have and let them know that you want it taken off. I had several needlepoint designs copied and kits were being sold on ebay. I had a copyright on them and because they (...) (18 years ago, 24-Jun-07, to lugnet.trains)

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