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Re: Combining RC-Train and Blue Rails
Thu, 5 Apr 2007 18:15:10 GMT
35603 times
In lugnet.trains, Sivan Toledo wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Anthony Sava wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Sivan Toledo wrote:
   If anybody has better ideas for linking blue rails to the RC rails, I’ll be happy to see them.

Looks pretty good. Have you tried using a jumper plate? I don’t know exactly how far apart the blue and bley rails are, but it looks to be almost a half-stud. Could you put a jumper plate on the 2x8s holding the blue rails on, a 1x1 plate on the bley rail, and a 1x3 (or 1x4) to hold them together? Or is the gap just a little smaller than a half stud width?


Works perfectly! The train runs very smoothly over this link. On one side there is still an indentation in the new gray rail, but on the other the gray and blue rails line up perfectly. Here is the construction:


   However, when since the 1x3 plates are only mounted on 4 1x1’s, they can rotate a bit and misalign the rails. A 1x8 plate or tile connected to more studs on the new rail solves the problem.

Thanks a lot, Sivan

It looks like 2 pair of jumper plates on the RC track and a pair of 1x2 plates on the old track would be even more rigid.

Mat Clayson

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Combining RC-Train and Blue Rails
(...) Works perfectly! The train runs very smoothly over this link. On one side there is still an indentation in the new gray rail, but on the other the gray and blue rails line up perfectly. Here is the construction: (3 URLs) However, when since (...) (18 years ago, 5-Apr-07, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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