Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:36:20 GMT
6257 times
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In lugnet.trains, John Neal wrote:
I know what you mean. When I see a fine compressed train, as in a James
Mathis creation, the word that comes to my mind is cute.
Funny, when I see a fine looking (when on static display) 8 wide model on a
curve, even a curve/straight/curve curve, the word that comes to mind is
ridiculous. If and when LEGO ever makes decent radii, I might switch. But till
then, no. I build my models to operate. (that they sometimes have issues is a
different matter, Im not too proud...)
lol none taken. I realize that many people still love the cuteness of 6 wide
trains and fear the big, bad 8 wides;-) To each his own.
Oh, get over yourself. Mobody fears you. Or your models. :-)
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
| (...) Too bad YOU don't care enough to take up the challenge presented by those articulations ;-) (...) I'm sure he's talking about 8-wides in general. Like, I dunno, not just his.... Also, while we're at it, you misspelled 'nobody' ;-P I think my (...) (20 years ago, 31-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
| | | Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
| (...) That's interesting. I've never had the wonky weave problem. Perhaps it is because we go curve-straight-curve-straight (never 2 curves together). (...) Yeah, and bats will fly out of my butt! (...) <shrug> We build to run as well. And you will (...) (20 years ago, 31-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
| | | Re: Compressionism
| <Throws bucket of cold water on the whole 6-wide vs. 8-wide posturing...> Build what you like. If it runs, great! If not, either live with it, or rebuild it. My take is as long as the 'trainheads' recognize what I'm trying to build, I've done a good (...) (20 years ago, 31-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
| (...) I know what you mean. When I see a fine compressed train, as in a James Mathis creation, the word that comes to my mind is "cute". LEGO train sets are "cute". In particular, I remember loving the cuteness of the (URL) Club Car> when it first (...) (20 years ago, 31-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
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