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 Trains / 21382
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Re: Draft of a new driver wheel
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 20:54:05 GMT
2121 times
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke wrote:

If [only one single] mould would be possible due to too low demand and high
costs for new moulds, what would you prefer: Should the counterweight be
included in that wheel-mould or not? In case of only one mould being
possible, the users would surely obmit in blind drivers (since anybody could
easiely cut the flange off himself - better have a wheel with flanges than
not having it....).

True, or get somebody with (CNC) lathe access to do this :D

I'd prefer a wheel with counterweight. It might even help protect the part
against distortion, since due to the spokes the part might otherwise be somewhat

Any further importeant points I missed in my design? I have put quite a lot
of time into this "draft" to make this new part as usefull as possible. So
hopefully you have not a too big demand for a further change in design.

Let me know when you start taking pre-orders. I wouldn't mind a few dozen , both
in red and black. Although red would make the problem of TLC not doing any red
wheels even more pressing :D

Overall the design looks solid, although I would have liked to see a simple
solution to the rods problem. I think, with one simple single mold, this could
easily be combined?
Jan-Albert van Ree

Message is in Reply To:
  Draft of a new driver wheel
Hi all! In the past we have collected some demands we train heads have on driver wheels. These have been requested several times at TLC so far. Here comes the wishlist to make up a draft for a new driver wheel: 1.) technic axle center 2.) peg hole (...) (21 years ago, 28-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX) !! 

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