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Re: Draft of a new driver wheel
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 19:51:05 GMT
2216 times
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard “Ben” Beneke wrote:
   Hi all!

In the past we have collected some demands we train heads have on driver wheels. These have been requested several times at TLC so far.

Here comes the wishlist to make up a draft for a new driver wheel:

1.) technic axle center

2.) peg hole for connecting rods

3.) diameter bigger than set 7750 and smaller than set 396

4.) flange design similar to 9V wheels

5.) narrow gaps between two wheels

6.) distance between centers of two neighbour wheels in a “common” dimension (4 stud / 5 stud / 6 stud?)

7.) running diameter dimension fitting to 9V and 12V wheel diameters

8.) wheel thickness higher than 9V and less than 1 stud (avoid contact between moving rods and wheel)

9.) counterweight as “click-on” extra part, (if 2 moulds were possible)

10.) shape not 100% after real prototypes but kind of “legoish”.

11.) center stud with Legologo

12.) ((Extra wish -Additionally a wheel without flange (blind driver) should be available.))

Ben, One thing that would be really nice that LEGO also doesn’t provide is a way to pick up track power other than the motor wheels. Now that would be a tricky proposition with the design you came up with. How about a wheel truck similar to the standard 9V wheels, with optional click-on suspension-looking faring, but with metal flanges, and a standard 9V connector on top?????

(Just kidding but it would be nice....)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Draft of a new driver wheel
(...) Hi Rosco! Empty out a new motor (25$) or a defected one (<10$) and you have your power pick up.... And everything is pure LEGO®. ;-) Leg Godt! (...) (21 years ago, 28-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Draft of a new driver wheel
Hi all! In the past we have collected some demands we train heads have on driver wheels. These have been requested several times at TLC so far. Here comes the wishlist to make up a draft for a new driver wheel: 1.) technic axle center 2.) peg hole (...) (21 years ago, 28-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX) !! 

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