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 Trains / 18221
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Re: Track geometry in real life - need resources
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 00:24:17 GMT
588 times
In lugnet.trains, Jan-Albert van Ree writes:
Made a scan for you from the Hengelo depot the way it was around 1990... (around 400
kb) Hope this helps.

Sure does! Thank you very much.

This plan is especially good for its clarity in the schemes - I wonder if
there is a worldwide "standard" for representing tracks?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Track geometry in real life - need resources
(...) I have several such maps... Most of these are done in a 1:1000 scale, but they are all Dutch so I can only say that it's a standard drawing for the Netherlands (22 years ago, 1-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Track geometry in real life - need resources
(...) Made a scan for you from the Hengelo depot the way it was around 1990... (URL) (around 400 kb) Hope this helps. (22 years ago, 31-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains)

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