How much dark red did you say you'd got, Larry? :-)
Just the one picture so far. This is a 4F 0-6-0 'Fowler', a British freight
locomotive in the proper colours of the London Midland and Scottish Railway
All the dark red here has come from the Star Wars Episode II sets - the
Gunship, the Starfighter, the Swoop bike and the Jedi Duel. This gives you
the following to work with:
2x3 bricks, 2x2 round bricks, 2x2 45° slopes
1x2 plates, 2x2 plates, 2x4 wedge plates right/left
1x2 curved-top bricks, 2x2 curved-top with central studs
1x2 grill tiles, 1x6 tiles
Umbrella stands
And that's it. This was the first model locomotive I had as a kid, so it's
nice to make a LEGO one now.
Jason J Railton
Message has 4 Replies:  | | Re: New MOC: Dark Red LMS 4F 0-6-0 Freight Locomotive
| (...) Was that the Airfix one? Of course you could have made your job easier by making an all black one! but that wouldn't make nearly such nice model. I've been watching the models you have posted and each one gets better. I can't really work out (...) (23 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
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