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Re: Virtual Southwestern-style Train Station
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 00:48:49 GMT
445 times
In lugnet.trains, James Mathis writes:
More tinkering with the new 2x2 curved slope element has led me to try a
start to a virtual train station.  This 2x2 curved slope, used in massive
virtual quantities, seems to approximate the Spanish roof tiles.  This 2x2
curved slope has become a CAD favorite for the moment.  (I need to get back
to reality and use readily available pieces!-- even as I think CAD.)

Again another great Jame Mathis Masterpeice has seen the virtual light. I
really like the idea of this as a possible set like creation. Having the
whole thing interchangeable. Also its great to see the 2x2 slope start to
grow into a very usfull peice. And I am sure a soon to be in high demand
part aswell.
(I think I started a new 2x2 slop revolution) ;)

Great work James and I cant wait to see what you come up with next.


Message is in Reply To:
  Virtual Southwestern-style Train Station
More tinkering with the new 2x2 curved slope element has led me to try a start to a virtual train station. This 2x2 curved slope, used in massive virtual quantities, seems to approximate the Spanish roof tiles. This 2x2 curved slope has become a CAD (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains) ! 

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