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Re: Virtual Southwestern-style Train Station
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:45:28 GMT
564 times
In lugnet.trains, John Gerlach writes:
In lugnet.trains, James Mathis writes:
More tinkering with the new 2x2 curved slope element has led me to try a
start to a virtual train station.  This 2x2 curved slope, used in massive
virtual quantities, seems to approximate the Spanish roof tiles.  This 2x2
curved slope has become a CAD favorite for the moment.  (I need to get back
to reality and use readily available pieces!-- even as I think CAD.)


Oh James, must you continue to make the rest of us look bad?  <grin>

Ha. But, I can't really build this, and I'm small-town compared to you
Big-time Builders.  All you makers of huge-o-mongous layouts, sculptures,
and scenery.  Yeah, all you Train Club folks, you're Big-Town Players!  I
really admire your collective massive work.

Lovely, just lovely.  But shouldn't there be a SuperChief parked in front of it?

That would be nice.  But, for this day and age, I would like the Amtrak
Southwest Chief set.  That's what I get to see parked up in Albuquerque on
occassion.  That's also what I rode last August to the PNLTC event at LLCali.

As for the SuperChief days:
I think it would be cool to have a series of train station models
representative of the various stops along the SuperChief route.  Both big
and small stations.  Mark Chan has the awesome Kansas City Union Station.
Even though my Southwest-style is inspired by the ABQ station, it certainly
doesn't look exactly like it.  I wonder what other SuperChief stations would
be good to model for The Chief.

Thanks for the feedback.

James Mathis

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Virtual Southwestern-style Train Station
(...) You know, if you ever want to move to Minneapolis I'm sure we could find room for you in our little group... What do you think about the occasional -40 degree temperatures in the middle of January? ;-) JohnG, GMLTC (23 years ago, 15-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Virtual Southwestern-style Train Station
(...) <snip> Oh James, must you continue to make the rest of us look bad? <grin> Lovely, just lovely. But shouldn't there be a SuperChief parked in front of it? JohnG, GMLTC (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains)

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