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 Trains / *22905 (-10)
  Lets Talk Trains...
World Talk Radio airs a show called 'Let's Talk Trains' every Saturday from 1PM to 3PM EST. Anyone with an interest in trains and railroads are invited to call in to the show. Last week, I was a featured guest caller...listen to the show archives at (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: The RobRail Yard at LIC Orlando
Robin, Fantastic stuff as usual! Once again your attention to detail really makes your creations something special. I only wish that orlando wasn't so far south. Thanks for posting the pics for us northeners to take a look see. Brian ----- Original (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: The RobRail Yard at LIC Orlando
Got any more pics of the AC6000? Josh (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  The RobRail Yard at LIC Orlando
Well it’s time for the next monthly installment of GFLUG/GFLTC displays at the LEGO® Imagination Center (LIC) in Orlando, Florida. This display features a mix of My Own Creations (MOCs) and available LEGO® World City sets. So here is my new LIC (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.trains,,, FTX) ! 
  Re: Thomas event in Utica, NY
(...) Thank you. In those pictures, that building is trying to be the public library. In the very near future, that building will be rebuilt and converted into LUCNY University. Recent purchases of more Sand Green bricks will permit the erection at (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to,
  RE: leJOS & BricxCC news
(...) OK, I've looked at your wish list and have the following comments with respect to how I see the pbForth implementation of DCC. 1. How important is it to have more than one port with DCC capabilities. The reason I'm asking is that it "would be (...) (21 years ago, 7-Sep-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics.rcx.pbforth)
  Re: Versions 2 and 3 of micromotorized crossing gates.
(...) I've been thinking about this one. In the current state of LDCC, a fully automated and LDCC-integrated (and pure LEGO) crossing gate could look something like this (ASCII art follows): Train presence sensor------+-------+ + RCX 1 | (...) (21 years ago, 7-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Versions 2 and 3 of micromotorized crossing gates.
(...) My first one had the elastic, but Steve Martin said it was ugly. Well, okay, he actually said something like it looked realistic, but his face had ugly written all over it. :) I agree about the jamming 66 2/3% (see (URL) fact is that the (...) (21 years ago, 7-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: leJOS & BricxCC news
(...) Hmmm. I was seriously considering writing a leJOS package to support the LDCC IR Protocol. (Here's why: (URL) ) What capabilities were you going to add? Depending on your timeline, you might convince me to try FORTH. (21 years ago, 7-Sep-03, to, lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics.rcx.pbforth)
  Re: LDCC and RCX gizmos (long)
(...) Argh! Yes, you are right. I was asumimg that since the standard firmware can send arbitrary packets (that is right, isn't it?), it ought to be able to receive them as well. Time to consider alternate firmware. (21 years ago, 6-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)

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