Re: What every lego town is missing....
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 21:49:08 GMT
836 times
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In, Robbie Anderson writes:
> I think that every lego town should have an Air Base, in particular one that
> has a lot of NASA people that work there. I would also advise anyone with an
> idea like mine, or someone who's building an airport, the most realistic
> thing that should be put on it is a gate. I'm still working on my base. I
> would post pics, but I don't think my dad would let me borrow his digital
> camera. :-/
For the size of most lego towns a small building witha door on the front and
back, and a small prop (new age, turbo props), and 3-5 people walking out to
a rollable stairwell along side of it. Then a larger riding mower to tow
the baggage cart.
Thats all you really need, unless you have a large corporate bussiness
commuinty, the make a smaller jet.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: What every lego town is missing....
| I think that every lego town should have an Air Base, in particular one that has a lot of NASA people that work there. I would also advise anyone with an idea like mine, or someone who's building an airport, the most realistic thing that should be (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jan-01, to
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