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 Technic / 9781
9780  |  9782
Re: Crazy building moment?
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:02:58 GMT
Øyvind Steinnes <>
1738 times
"pixel" <> wrote in message
when i think of lego plane
i have some problems (questions)

i can imagine the wings and the fuselage
but the propeller and the motor it is problem
the battery box or rcx is a little bit heavy

RCX is deffinitly too heavy. But just the 9v batterybox and an 4.5v electric
Propeller is still a problem with LEGO :(
Hope the LEGO company soon will produce a good propeller that can provide
enough thrust.

but let's say you will build the plane that could (will) work
how it will land beacause every crash will cause breaking bricks
bending axles and so on

Hihi  :)
Well I'll think about that later, first have to get it to fly...

No, actually, the landing is no problem where I live at this time of the
year. We have lots of snow here, so the aircraft will have a soft landing.
Thats why I'm building it right now. We have the best weather just now, and
lots of fine white pouder-snow.

and the major problem is controlling!!!
Controll is a problem yes, but first step is to make an glider that goes in
a pre-set arc, then I can add things like an rubberband engine (that would
also work for a motor for thrust) that will change the steering in a
pre-"programmet" pattern. And THEN I hope I will get some ideas for

But now I need a lots of Technic Axle 10 or 12 to get the wing to the needed
size. Wich set is out now that has the largest amount of axels ?
8431 looks promising, I need that set for other parts as well. Other sets?

Øyvind Steinnes

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Crazy building moment?
(...) how about using the Williams F1 "shells"? they work(on hovercrafts, anyway.) And as for a motor,how about the 8472's built in 4.5v motor+battery box? It gives two outputs and a lot of torque (never mind the speed:) Then you could have wing (...) (22 years ago, 1-Apr-03, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Crazy building moment?
"Øyvind Steinnes" <> wrote in message (...) i hope TLC ppl are watching us :)) and they think about us all gurus do this i hope (...) good point to start i heard the ancient story about chinesse man (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to lugnet.technic)

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  Re: Crazy building moment?
when i think of lego plane i have some problems (questions) i can imagine the wings and the fuselage but the propeller and the motor it is problem the battery box or rcx is a little bit heavy but let's say you will build the plane that could (will) (...) (22 years ago, 1-Apr-03, to lugnet.technic)

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