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Re: Sports car
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 19:52:26 GMT
1542 times
In lugnet.technic, Nathanael Kuipers writes:
It is nice to see, that with LEGO you can make a sportscar in any scale you
want. It looks like your car has the same features as my GTcar.. (I saw in
the topic of the 'unknown instruction book' you already noticed it. ;))
I think the result of your car is great because for me it looks very
difficult to build all those (technic) systems in such a small space, like
gearbox, engine, suspension, gullwing doors...!
That's maybe why I decided to restart an old thread talking about your car?
My car has almost the same functions as your GT car but I had to change a
lot of things in order to keep size small... and you missed the pop-up
headlights (but then you'll have to use more than 2 sets)

With 1000 bricks it is possible to build something nice, although it may be
tough, but that's the challenge. ;) Besides you may be limited in pieces,
you may also be limited because of the size of the wheels. In most cases you
decide the scale of your model with the size of the wheels you have. So if
you don't have different sizes you are limited in the scale of your design.
Yes... I'm also limited by wheel use Model Team or small balloons
(as in this car) or to use the little 30.4x14 VR wheels (the next challenge)
or not to use suspension & steering and all the other features

From what I see, you made a very nice model and for me the best part of the
car is that you put so many functions in such a small space. Well done!
Thanks a lot.

(comments, instructions, death threats, etc. please remove all the X's)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sports car
It is nice to see, that with LEGO you can make a sportscar in any scale you want. It looks like your car has the same features as my GTcar.. (I saw in the topic of the 'unknown instruction book' you already noticed it. ;)) I think the result of your (...) (22 years ago, 23-Mar-03, to lugnet.technic)

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