| | Re: Another Technic Creation
(...) a (...) better, (...) A _mere_ 9V? I ran one up to 54V, for short periods of time. However, the real answer is to use a hefty 12V motor. I have a 12V can motor (it might even be a 24V job, in fact) that runs quite happy with _anything_ you (...) (24 years ago, 20-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Another Technic Creation
(...) Impressive! However, I can go further than this in both ambition and stupidity - on yet another one of those strokes of "genius" that seem to inspire us as kids, I plugged the motor into the mains with one of those leads that go into cassette (...) (24 years ago, 21-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Another Technic Creation
"Jennifer Clark" <jen@vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk> wrote in message news:3A1A860F.ADD4F7...h.ac.uk... (...) stupidity - (...) kids, I (...) cassette (...) it seemed (...) between AC and (...) this motor (...) and I (...) I remember we did a similar (...) (24 years ago, 21-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Another Technic Creation
(...) Do you remember how it "blew up"? I'm uncertain about just how a motor would do that. Some possible results that come to mind: * Windings repel themselves (possible explosion) * Shake to pieces (possible explosion) * Windings vaporize (...) (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Another Technic Creation
(...) It was about 20 years ago, and I must confess that I ran and hid for five minutes after it happened, but it was virtually instantanenous, I am certain that bits flew off, and that it made a short sharp noise. This is also corroborated by the (...) (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to lugnet.technic)