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Re: A couple of gear questions
Fri, 17 Apr 2009 13:24:18 GMT
25395 times
"Tim (Smith)" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.technic, Allan Porter wrote:

Personally the only problem I have with it is that the clutch slips way
easily for my liking.

That's not a bug- it's a feature.

The point is to protect the motor from damage. That said, I bet if you
used two
clutch gears you'll get twice the allowable torque. I don't recommend it-
you could try it and see what you think.

You won't get twice the allowable torque.  What you'll get is a
proportionate increase in torque as the load on the output from the clutch
gears approaches the maximum load limit of the clutch gears.  It's basic

Two clutch gears in series would only mean that there are twice as many
points where the gears could slip.  If you used two clutch gears in parallel
on the motor this would effectively mean you're dividing the same driving
force between both of those gears.  If you mesh multiple motors together
with clutch gears, you get a complicated relative velocity equation to solve
and may need a differential gear setup to allow for the difference in
driving speed, even with closely matched motor pairs.

Cheers ...

Geoffrey Hyde

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A couple of gear questions
(...) He probably means two clutch gears in a single axle, meshing with two other gears which also share an axle. That way (in parallel) they should slip at twice the nominal torque. (16 years ago, 18-Apr-09, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A couple of gear questions
(...) That's not a bug- it's a feature. The point is to protect the motor from damage. That said, I bet if you used two clutch gears you'll get twice the allowable torque. I don't recommend it- but you could try it and see what you think. (16 years ago, 17-Apr-09, to lugnet.technic)

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