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Re: Best pneumatic hexapod yet!
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sun, 31 Jul 2005 15:07:58 GMT
5152 times
In lugnet.technic, Paul Kleniewski wrote:
hi kevin and steve

it should be the first moc
where the rcx would be let's say a slave to pneumatic circuit
am i right guys


Well, in fact, when SSClagorpion is further along, the RCX will control two
pneumatic multiplexors that control forward/reverse and turning/walking.  With
this new circuit the changes from turning/not turning, and forward reverse
should be able to be changed at any point in the walking cycle.

Bottom line is that the RCX will be reserved for "higher level" thinking like
"let's not fall off the table", or "my IRPD logic says I'm going to walk into a
wall, I'd better change direction".

I liken the pneumatic walking mechanism without an RCX to a chicken with its
head cut off.  It can and does run around and maintain balance, but has no idea
where it is going.....

No chickens have been harmed in the making of this octopod. :^)



"Kevin L. Clague" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.technic, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
On Fri, July 29, 2005 10:34 am, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
I am currently working on a eight legged walker that may end up being
ssclagorpion, but who knows.  It is using a new central timing circuit that
should allow it to complete the walking sequence in four piston transitions.

I had been in a DA for quite a while, but got myself restarted using LPub and

I've been building in prep for BF for many weeks.

Will this new central timing circuit allow you to attach touch sensors, so, if you
wanted, you could track the state of the walker with an RCX?

Yes, it should be just as doable as it would be with the quad-242 circuit.

You could either use four switches to examine the timing circuit, or two
switches to examine a leg.

Just curious.  :)




Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Best pneumatic hexapod yet!
hi kevin and steve it should be the first moc where the rcx would be let's say a slave to pneumatic circuit am i right guys :D pixel "Kevin L. Clague" <> wrote in message (...) that (...) (...) (19 years ago, 29-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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