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 Technic / 14395
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Re: Best pneumatic hexapod yet!
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:43:38 GMT
4513 times
thanx kevin
for the explanation
walker's masterpiece

btw: how about scorpion
is this project still alive
(sorry i'm in my dark ages so i'm not following all topics carefully enough)
in fact i'm a little bit forced to be in DA
some of you maybe remember
2 years ago i posted some photos of new lego fan (my daughter)
so it's absolutely impossible to play with lego before 22:00


"Kevin L. Clague" <> wrote in message
Hi Pixel,
  The walker was built to someday be able to talk in any direction, not • just
forwards/backwards.  Sigurd, didn't have enough pneumatic hardware to make • this
version omni-directional.  This left the two side legs elbows • disconnected.

  I have seen the video and it walks veru agresssively.


In lugnet.technic, Paul Kleniewski wrote:

it's heavy :)

why two legs haven't last segment cylinders connected to the circuit?


"Kevin L. Clague" <> wrote in message
I don't know if any of you saw this fabulous pneumatic hexapod, but my • friend
Sigurd van Starkenberg:

It walks forward, backward and turns right and left.

The thing that makes this superior to prior work is an elbow mid arm, • that
lengthens for walking, and shortens for turns!

Great job Sigurd!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Best pneumatic hexapod yet!
I am currently working on a eight legged walker that may end up being ssclagorpion, but who knows. It is using a new central timing circuit that should allow it to complete the walking sequence in four piston transitions. I had been in a DA for (...) (19 years ago, 29-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Best pneumatic hexapod yet!
Hi Pixel, The walker was built to someday be able to talk in any direction, not just forwards/backwards. Sigurd, didn't have enough pneumatic hardware to make this version omni-directional. This left the two side legs elbows disconnected. I have (...) (19 years ago, 28-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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