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 Technic / 14202
14201  |  14203
Re: Volvo FH16 with 3 axle Goldhofer step frame trailer, Scale 1:13
lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic
Tue, 24 May 2005 23:42:00 GMT
1609 times
In lugnet.modelteam, Olof Dahlberg wrote:
I have to clarify this: I did not do the truck, I just responded to the question of European truck standards by giving an example of how trucks usually look in Sweden. Anders Gaasedal in Denmark built the truck. Play well! :-) Olof

Sorry about that Anders old chap! Nonetheless, my comments still stand :-)


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  Re: Volvo FH16 with 3 axle Goldhofer step frame trailer, Scale 1:13
(...) I have to clarify this: I did not do the truck, I just responded to the question of European truck standards by giving an example of how trucks usually look in Sweden. Anders Gaasedal in Denmark built the truck. Play well! :-) Olof (20 years ago, 24-May-05, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic, FTX)

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