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 Technic / 11292
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Re: Lego pneumatic systems overview?
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 10:16:56 GMT
2202 times
Juergen Stuber wrote:

2) How strong is the air pressure?  How much weight can a
single cylinder move at full pressure?

By highly scientific methods [1] I got ~54N,
beyond that the cylinder starts leaking.

With a diameter of the piston of 13mm that gives
54N/(pi*0.0065mm^2)=406833.94 Pa ~ 4 times atmospheric pressure.

That is rather new transparent cylinder from UBS (3800),
pumped to maximum with a big yellow pump.

That's good news.  My interest is in building full-built models and not
the technic see-through style efforts that I usually see the pneumatics
used on so it'll be important that the cylinders are capable of moving
the combined weight of the bricks.

LEGO apparently puts some grease in the cylinder, in the clear one
it is visible.  That moves around with every move of the cylinder.

I followed the link that Tobbe had pointed out and will try seeing what
I can do to improve the flow of my one "gunked" cylinder.  Hopefully I
can bump it's performance up to the standard of the other.

Thanks for the help!

-Brian Reynolds

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego pneumatic systems overview?
(...) By highly scientific methods [1] I got ~54N, beyond that the cylinder starts leaking. With a diameter of the piston of 13mm that gives 54N/(pi*0.0065mm^2)=406833.94 Pa ~ 4 times atmospheric pressure. That is rather new transparent cylinder (...) (21 years ago, 23-Sep-03, to, lugnet.technic)

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