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Re: Storing Instruction Manuals
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:18:54 GMT
2916 times
From: "Michael Zander" <>
Organization: None
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 03:16:07 GMT
Subject: Storing Instruction Manuals

Hello Everyone.

I've decided it's time to organize and store my instruction manuals.

The large size manuals don't fit very well into folders, because the tops peak
out and are bound to get bent. (!)

I have 100+ instruction manuals, so small-scale storage is not really an
option. :(

Hie thee to Wal-Mart, where you can buy zipper binders for $2.00 on
clearance (from Back to School).

these won't help on the really BIG instructions, but are great for the 8.5 x
11 or near that size (but smaller).

YOu will need some sheet protectors, also available at WM. I usually buy the
Heavy Duty ones.  There are only a few pennies more, and MUCH more durable
than the cheaper ones.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Storing Instruction Manuals
Don't overlook the simple solution of hanging files in a file cabinet. They are 11.75 inches wide, so the instructions fit just fine. You can use manila folders inside the hanging files if you want to subdivide by size. This has the added advantage (...) (24 years ago, 24-Sep-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Storing Instruction Manuals
Hello Everyone. I've decided it's time to organize and store my instruction manuals. The large size manuals don't fit very well into folders, because the tops peak out and are bound to get bent. (!) I have 100+ instruction manuals, so small-scale (...) (24 years ago, 17-Sep-00, to

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