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Re: My collection and storage
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 18:08:10 GMT
4528 times
Adrian Drake wrote:

In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Adrian Drake writes:
In, Jon Palmer writes:
I've taken pictures of almost every part in my collection.  This does not
include my big container with instructions and baseplates, the small amount
of new unsorted LEGO I have, my Bricklink store, my Tantive IV and Black
Seas Barracuda and the parts taken up by several MOCs (Alphabet ships, some
small stuff, Starbug 1, my moonbase module - although you can see the module
in one of the pics)

I ought to take pictures of all my tubs.  But I currently am using 155 of
them, plus 19 tackle boxes and 8 parts cabinets.  Maybe when I'm desperately
bored I can document my sorting system :)  Otherwise, cool stuff you got
there.  It's nice to see people documenting their cute little collections.

I keep thinking I should document my collection, but there's no easy way
to get a good overall shot (well, ok, I do have a good overall shot of
it after it was unloaded from the moving van, but it's kind of hard to
appreciate a collection when it's all in cardboard boxes stacked 6'

I have significantly improved my building though by purchasing some
small (1pt and 1qt) containers to store a modest amount of small always
handy parts (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, and 1x6 plates, 1x2, 1x4, 1x6, and 1x8
tiles, a few other bits - I've got some more containers which I also
have to fill up with a few other parts - like I realized I don't have
1x8 plates handy at all - I couldn't even find my overflow bag).

You know, that's just what I was thinking about YOUR collection when I saw
your place. :-)

Like a (non-lego) friend of mine told me when I said that there are people
with much larger collections than me: "There's always a bigger fanatic" :)

It would be really neat to get a list of all the largest collections. I
wonder where my 500k+ collection fits in the list.

It would also be good to have collections rated by two numbers total
parts and parts retained for personal use. Probably many of the top ten
collections by total parts have a huge number of those parts destined
for sale, but I may be horribly wrong.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My collection and storage
(...) Like a (non-lego) friend of mine told me when I said that there are people with much larger collections than me: "There's always a bigger fanatic" :) Adrian (22 years ago, 26-Sep-02, to

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