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Re: My collection and storage
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:05:50 GMT
4302 times
In, Jon Palmer writes:
I've taken pictures of almost every part in my collection.  This does not
include my big container with instructions and baseplates, the small amount
of new unsorted LEGO I have, my Bricklink store, my Tantive IV and Black
Seas Barracuda and the parts taken up by several MOCs (Alphabet ships, some
small stuff, Starbug 1, my moonbase module - although you can see the module
in one of the pics).

<Snip description of collection>

| The Shipyard -
| My Lego Creations -

Thanks, Jon!  I was wondering how people did it.  I've recently started
organizing my (rather small) collection.

I use these big, black storage cabinets.

I also use these:

and these:

And the not-needed parts go here:

I tend to dump a lot of my pieces on the floor and just begin building.
this is incredibly sloppy, but I like it.  How do you guys do it?  Do you
just open and close drawers and pick out of boxes?

And one last thing:
How did you start organizing?  Did you just spend a week doing nothing else?
In small steps?  Just the pieces you need?



Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: My collection and storage
Glad you like the pics. You have a good setup there yourself. I used to build on the floor with my tubs all around me. I never dump parts out on the floor. Guess thats kinda weird though. Now I build at the table mostly and just grab parts out when (...) (22 years ago, 26-Sep-02, to
  Re: My collection and storage
(...) Jeff J (22 years ago, 26-Sep-02, to
  Re: My collection and storage
(...) For most of my LEGO building career, I too worked on the floor. To avoid having parts scattered all over, I would put down a sheet or towel. Then picking things up is a simple matter of lifting all four corners. I sometimes would put the (...) (22 years ago, 26-Sep-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  My collection and storage
I've taken pictures of almost every part in my collection. This does not include my big container with instructions and baseplates, the small amount of new unsorted LEGO I have, my Bricklink store, my Tantive IV and Black Seas Barracuda and the (...) (22 years ago, 25-Sep-02, to  

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