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 Star Wars / 8108
8107  |  8109
Re: Why we won't see the Emperor...
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:29:17 GMT
675 times
In lugnet.starwars, Aaron West writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Sean Forbes writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Matthew Teets writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Eric Joslin writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Eric Kingsley writes:

OK now your gonna make me cry...  Oh what I would give for that 3 pack!

You and me both, man.  If Stormtroopers were only available in these (ie, • not
in sets) I could easily see myself buying 10-15 *immediately*.


I would actually be all for stormtroopers and an Imperial officer.


Or how about two 'troopers and a black-clad Tie-pilot?

How's about a EIGHT PACK!!
One Stormtrooper, one Snowtrooper, one TIE Pilot, one Death Star Trooper, one
AT-AT Driver, one Sandtrooper, one black uniform Officer and one AT-ST
Who here would not order at LEAST 10 of that minifig pack?!?!
Sign me up as soon as LEGO makes it!

As much as it would rock, it seems like they're only in three's *sigh*

I finally ordered my Emperor yesterday. That fig would have rocked with a
white or grey head.

-Tom McD.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why we won't see the Emperor...
I am coming in way late in this thread... sorry. I was at the lego store at downtown disney recently... they have this 3 pack with palpetine, vader, and maul.. think it is 3140.. not sure. Phone number: 407-828-0065... Tom (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why we won't see the Emperor...
(...) not (...) How's about a EIGHT PACK!! One Stormtrooper, one Snowtrooper, one TIE Pilot, one Death Star Trooper, one AT-AT Driver, one Sandtrooper, one black uniform Officer and one AT-ST Driver!!!! Who here would not order at LEAST 10 of that (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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