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 Star Wars / 15808
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Re: BioniWars: TOA Fighter Pilot
lugnet.technic.bionicle,, lugnet.starwars
Fri, 23 May 2003 05:14:52 GMT
126 times
In lugnet.technic.bionicle, Mark Papenfuss writes:
Ya know, Bricklink can be your friend. Its better than paying the very high
TRU prices.

     I'm too impatient.  When I want a part, I want it now.  Besides, I've
been using all of the Kopaka legs as fast as I can get them (notice that
Kopaka comes with two, but most of the Toapers use three), I've only got one
spare white torso right now, the heads have all gone towards my unfinished
Krana display rack, I've got other uses for the light-grey #2
angle-connectors and white hip joints, I can never get enough of the
chest-balls, and I don't have to pay S&H costs.  I haven't signed up for a
Bricklink account, but when I do it will be for getting parts that I can't
find at all, or parts that would cost too much to buy sets for.  The other
problem I've found is that since nearly everything I'd want to buy is
Technic, and a lot of that is Bionicle, I'd be buying 2-3 parts from 10-20
stores when I'd prefer that it be the other way around.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BioniWars: TOA Fighter Pilot
(...) Ya know, Bricklink can be your friend. Its better than paying the very high TRU prices. M (22 years ago, 23-May-03, to lugnet.technic.bionicle,, lugnet.starwars)

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