"smegged" <cintaks_erur@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Well, the reason that the body was never included is that they wanted to
> remain accurate to the movie. After I saw this set, I saw the movie for a
> second time and looked at his starfigher. The R4 unit's head was all that
> there was. It was not like r2-d2, instead it was built into the fighter.
> Hence lego giving us only the head and not the body. I do agree that the
> body should have been included for play value's sake, but the reason it
> wasn't included is valid.
> -stephen
I belive according to the official site (which appears to be down at the
moment) R4 is a modified, truncated astromech droid hardwired into the
James Stacey
#925 - I'm a citizen of Legoland travelling Incommunicado
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