Re: Star Wars weapons - My rant
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 02:09:18 GMT
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In lugnet.starwars, Adam Murtha writes:
> Maybe its a license thing with Lucasfilm or George Lucas, or whoever.
Oh, no, it's not Lucasfilm licensing saying they can't have guns.
When Kenner made the first line of Star Wars toys way back in '77, they called
Lucas into their office to look over the line. Lucas took one look and said,
"where are the guns?" The executives from Kenner explained to Lucas that
because of the Vietnam debacle, people didn't really like toy guns, and they
felt they would sell better without them, etc etc etc. Lucas looked around at
the toys again and said, "but where are the guns?"
And so Kenner included the guns.
Even so, for Stormtroopers at least, you can make better looking guns. I
really wish that Han came with his blaster, though.
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Star Wars weapons - My rant
| (...) You can get an excellent blaster by purchasing the Hasbro Han Solo figure with the com-tech chip. The blaster is the perfect size and looks wonderful. It's a rather pricey method just for a blaster but the minute I saw it I had to buy it. (...) (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to lugnet.starwars)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Star Wars weapons - My rant
| When I first heard that there was going to Stormtroopers, I was really excited, but I was also thinking that maybe they'd release the Stormtroopers with a 'real' gun, not just a bullhorn turn backwards with a 1x1 trans round piece on it. But they (...) (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to lugnet.starwars)
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