Re: New Stuff! Big Money! Big Prizes! I Love it!
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 01:38:29 GMT
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in article, Mark Rideout wrote:
> Awesome ship! A real change to what you brought to last SEALug. I like the
> overall usage of space - there is a lot of stuff going on, but it doesn't
> _feel_ rectangular inside.
Thanks. :^) I tried to break up the interior with lots of stuff so it didn't
feel too much like a box.
> Your the king of techno-goop and details on the outside (like:
> - I'll have to dig
> out my minifig tools from the minifig bucket now - a lot of usage (even a
> screwdriver? - wow)
:^) I used to hate all those dang tool wheels I was getting with Star Wars
and Rock Raiders. Then I started using tools as techno-goop. Good stuff!
> I like the crew quarters a lot - good use of space. Also, the usage of a
> storage? area towards the back of the ship:
> - I'm curious about
> the storage though - was it a planned idea, or were you looking to fill
> space?? Kinda an overall question for the interior of ships - how do you/all
> layout a floorplan and when?
Er, well, that's supposed to be the Captain's Quarters, but it's hard to see
from those pics. the shelf holds some personal effects. Just beneath the
shelf is the Cap'ns bunk, which is a roomy 4-wide. Next to the Cap'ns bunk
is a small control panel, and on the other side of the cabin is a chair and
a workstation, with a 2x2 cabinet next to it. Unfortunately, I didn't seem
to get a good picture of this area.
> I love the use of lights
> ( and fiber optics for
> the engine and engine room details.
Thanks. :^)
> One other question I had was around the "facilities" or restroom - I
> couldn't piece together how the crew access it.
If you look in this picture:
at the far left, just past the female crew engineer, you can see the handle
to the batroom door.
Dangit, I seem to have forgotten to photograph the kitchen facilities that
are opposite the door to the head. :^(
> Looks like an awesome ship! Can't wait to see to see it in person also!
Thanks :^)
~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations
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