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Re: New Stuff! Big Money! Big Prizes! I Love it!
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:40:17 GMT
644 times
in article, Joel Kuester wrote:

In, Mark Sandlin writes:
Space Tug:

Very cool, were you inspired by Outlaw Star perhaps?  The design reminds me
of some of the odd shaped Grappeler ships... in particular, one of the ships
flew by the assassin cats.

Nope. I watched that once, but I just couldn't get into it. That whole
spaceship-with-arms thing just rubbed me the wrong way.

Bricriu class Destroyer:

I like the changes you made in your design from the original picture... this
is a really beefy looking ship.  I like the complexity of it, and that most
of detail looks like it has a reason to be where it is.  Sometimes when
people go nuts with greeblies all over the outside of their ships it just
looks silly.


I really like the coloration you used on the bottom "fin" section to enhance
the composition.  This ship has a very Star Wars look to it, is it from
something, or did you design it?  Anyways, another awesome ship!

Check out the first picture in the brickshelf gallery. It's from Jovian
Chronicles RPG. :^)

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Stuff! Big Money! Big Prizes! I Love it!
(...) of some of the odd shaped Grappeler ships... in particular, one of the ships flew by the assassin cats. (...) is a really beefy looking ship. I like the complexity of it, and that most of detail looks like it has a reason to be where it is. (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to

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