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Re: New MOC: Proverb - Eastern Block Racer
Wed, 12 May 2004 00:40:25 GMT
1268 times
In, Ryan Wood wrote:

   Wooo Chris awesome model! I just look at it and my fingers start to twitch, wanting to swoosh it.

Yeah...during the building I got delayed because I kept picking it up and making podracer-type noises while my girlfriend looked on like my cheese had slid off my cracker. :-)

   It’s been said before by others, but you have this way with landing gear that’s just beautiful. I can’t do it, so when I see you pull it off time and again I’m always amazed.

Thanks man. Again, all Jon’s influence. Feel free to swipe at will and put it to good use.

   The fins are what make this work (for me) as an EB racer... take those off and I honestly would not agree with this being an Eastern Block craft. Great work on those!

At first I didn’t have the fins. It was something a lot more square and blocky, trying to get the EB style of mass-productionism (or something.) But I just hated the way it looked, so I said what the hell and went a bit retro. Turns out it payed off.

   Oh and I love the intakes.

That’s where this one started.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New MOC: Proverb - Eastern Block Racer
(...) Yeah, I can hear it! Those podracer sounds were the best part of whatever movie that was. (you know, the one with the podracers in it ;-) But, one must test for swooshability throughout the design/build process. (...) Ya gotta have fins! They (...) (21 years ago, 14-May-04, to, FTX)

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  Re: New MOC: Proverb - Eastern Block Racer
(...) Wooo Chris awesome model! I just look at it and my fingers start to twitch, wanting to swoosh it. It's been said before by others, but you have this way with landing gear that's just beautiful. I can't do it, so when I see you pull it off time (...) (21 years ago, 11-May-04, to, FTX)

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