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Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:45:41 GMT
3385 times
In, Jamie Neufeld wrote:
   Well I took some time off of building ships (not like I was pumping a lot out) and made a few more Crimson Skies planes for the Northern Knights. I blame these latest builds on my using some of my free time playing Crimson Skies on X-Box Live.

The first is:

The Dundee C 30 Dingo Zepplin Hunter.

It’s basiclly a flying cannon.

Might want to consider putting a pusher engine behind the cannon, the off center thrust of just one engine would make this beast VERY hard to fly.

   The Aimes AeroCorp Gyroplane.

This plane is the smallest of them all but it needed some lethal punch. So I added some Tesla Guns to it.

What are those? Have I not gotten far enough in my levels on the PC to have seen them?

Nice MOCs! Thanks for sharing

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Well I'm kinda just goin on looks with these and I'm not too worried about areodynamics. Plus around the WW2 era there where a few plane designs that had the off center engine set-up. Of course none of them had a giant cannon :). (...) I never (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

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  2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Well I took some time off of building ships (not like I was pumping a lot out) and made a few more Crimson Skies planes for the Northern Knights. I blame these latest builds on my using some of my free time playing Crimson Skies on X-Box Live. The (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,,, FTX) ! 

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