Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update 09/08/02
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 02:21:09 GMT
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In article <>,
"DedmanWalkin" <> wrote:
> For years I have always said that there was a Starbuck's on the moon and no
> one believed me. Now I have proof! :)
Yeah, well they're everywhere. There are two different Starbucks within
a block of my office in downtown Seattle.
> You captured the very essence of Starbucks in your module. The interior is
> great and the Pod Landing Pad is an interesting innovation. Where did you
> get those stickers/decals?
Just downloaded them and printed them out.
> Your landing pad is very good, the refueling device is a noce touch and
> something that other landing pads don't have. I guess being .space readers
> we expect our ships to have unlimited power sources. I know I do.
The refueling station was built by Dan Jassim. He came up to visit me
over Labor Day weekend. I agree, he did a nice job on it.
> That pod is really sporty I like the aft section especially the flappy
> engine thingy. The Cockpit is quite nice too.
Thanks. :^)
~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego Creations
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update 09/08/02
| For years I have always said that there was a Starbuck's on the moon and no one believed me. Now I have proof! :) You captured the very essence of Starbucks in your module. The interior is great and the Pod Landing Pad is an interesting innovation. (...) (23 years ago, 8-Sep-02, to
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