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Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update 09/08/02
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 02:21:09 GMT
501 times
In article <>,
"DedmanWalkin" <> wrote:

For years I have always said that there was a Starbuck's on the moon and no
one believed me. Now I have proof! :)

Yeah, well they're everywhere. There are two different Starbucks within
a block of my office in downtown Seattle.

You captured the very essence of Starbucks in your module. The interior is
great and the Pod Landing Pad is an interesting innovation. Where did you
get those stickers/decals?

Just downloaded them and printed them out.

Your landing pad is very good, the refueling device is a noce touch and
something that other landing pads don't have. I guess being .space readers
we expect our ships to have unlimited power sources. I know I do.

The refueling station was built by Dan Jassim. He came up to visit me
over Labor Day weekend. I agree, he did a nice job on it.

That pod is really sporty I like the aft section especially the flappy
engine thingy. The Cockpit is quite nice too.

Thanks. :^)

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego Creations

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update 09/08/02
For years I have always said that there was a Starbuck's on the moon and no one believed me. Now I have proof! :) You captured the very essence of Starbucks in your module. The interior is great and the Pod Landing Pad is an interesting innovation. (...) (23 years ago, 8-Sep-02, to

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