In lugnet.build.mecha, Felix Greco writes:
> > "Diver" Aquatic Warfare Mecha:
> > http://www3.sympatico.ca/mladenpejic/Diver.htm
> Very cool Mladen! I love it. Well worth the wait. Thanks!
Heh! Great, you like it! ;-D
> > It looks simple, and it is, but I tried to jazz it up a bit by adding some
> > naval tech. onto it. This won't be my last foray into Aquazone building, so
> > I'll get better, I promise! ;-)
> > "Pixie" Light Hard-Suit: http://www3.sympatico.ca/mladenpejic/Pixie.htm
> Hmmm.. I see several places that could accomodate propellors. This is
> probably the best minifig sized hard suit I've seen yet (except for the Kicker).
Believe or not, I first built this hard-suit when you e-mailed me. After
reading your e-mail, I tryed to change it into an underwater suit by adding a
propeller in the back, and putting flippers on the legs (you can substitute
helmet too). It can be done! ;-)
> Felix
> http://www.lugnet.com/~94
Mladen Pejic, over and out!
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