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 Robotics / RCX / NQC / 871
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Re: RIS 2.0 - when, where, what??
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 10:34:11 GMT
3180 times
Great info!
USB IR tower sounds good, I want to use my IR tower with my iBook, but
I'm too lazy to buy an USB/Parallell port...

I'm planning to use MacNQC then, but AFAIK, MacNQC doesn't "know" that
there is a USB port on my computer... Or will it recognise the IR tower
once it's plugged in?


Dean Husby wrote:

mike mcfarlane wrote:

Thanks Dean, where did you get your info - have you an inside source? Or
would you have to kill me if you told me???

If I remember correctly it was posted to the Mindstorms Web site briefly...
I've told all I know about it.

I was kind of hoping that the next RCX would be a bit smaller. Some nice
Lithium ion rechargeable batteries. Some more I/O. More sensors - surely TLG
must see all the alternate sensors that people make themselves and realise
that there is a market for them for people like me who are idiots with a
soldering iron (and unfortunately I'm one of those funny people that only
likes to use genuine Lego parts. More fool me I suppose.)

My hope is that the new firmware part in ROM will contain Hardware support for new
Proximity, Compass etc... Hey, I can dream...

Coin-Op's For Sale!:
Dean's Lego Workshop:
Vancouver Lego Club:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: RIS 2.0 - when, where, what??
(...) USB/SERIAL you mean. (...) Yes, if it works like the PC once it's plugged in the drivers tell the OS that there is a "Serial Port" for it. Then it works just fine. (...) (24 years ago, 26-Nov-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RIS 2.0 - when, where, what??
(...) If I remember correctly it was posted to the Mindstorms Web site briefly... I've told all I know about it. (...) My hope is that the new firmware part in ROM will contain Hardware support for new Sensors. Proximity, Compass etc... Hey, I can (...) (24 years ago, 25-Oct-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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