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BricxCC on Win XP how
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:27:01 GMT
3133 times
Is there some trick I need to learn to run BricxCC on Win XP?

Subject: BricxCC release

For me BricxCC hardly ever works.  I tried un/installing the last three
available versions.  Always I fail to connect via serial via IR with my brick.
Lego RIS talks no worries, javax.comm talks no worries, but not BricxCC.

If noone has any clues, I guess I'll go try to find more Win XP PC's, to build
a larger sample of experience, starting with only a fresh install of the latest
BricxCC.  Maybe then I'll also try a download of NQC, to have a fourth flavour
of comm software to try.

Subject: reading music thru an RCX

I did see BricxCC work once or twice.

I started to believe maybe BricxCC ran ok only if run after a Win XP boot
before ever I launched Lego RIS or javax.comm ... but as I worked to repeat
that result, again I lost the ability to make BricxCC work at all ever.

When my brick did connect, then I was permitted to see BricxCC has a two octave
Piano keyboard that invisibly records notes for playback, I think that's great
fun, though I wish the recording appeared as sheet music.


Is there some trick I need to learn to run BricxCC on Win XP?

Thanks in advance, Pat LaVarre

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: BricxCC on Win XP how
Pat For what its worth, BricxCC (latest version) works 100% fine with my Win XP setup. I am however using it with a Spybot and the included serial cable. Good luck with it Regards Philip "Pat LaVarre" <> wrote in message (...) (22 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: BricxCC on Win XP how
(...) Did you try to fix communication port instead of using automatic configuration ? On my machine (Win2000) where I have both a serial Spybotics cable and a RIS USB tower, I have to specify the port that BricxCC must use. Philo (22 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: BricxCC on Win XP how
(...) Which COM port is RIS using? Can you describe exactly what BricxCC says/does when you try to get it to find your brick? Does the tower light come on at all? As was suggested already, try choosing the same COM port that RIS uses rather than (...) (22 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: BricxCC on Win XP how
(...) Wow, key tips, great questions, fun links, thanks again for leading me into hours of enlightening experimentation. As a newbie, I'm surprised to think I see nqc reports port in use by exiting immediately without complaint, and BricxCC reports (...) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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