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 Robotics / 8974
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Re: Rack and Pinion Steering and idea for precise angle of rotation detection
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 18:23:43 GMT
645 times
Yeah, this serves me right for de-lurking before rereading all of the previous
posts... :)

In lugnet.robotics, Ian Warfield writes:
In lugnet.robotics, dave madden <> writes:
=>> On it ( is a • scan
=>> and detailed description of my (at last) finally-successful • implementation
=>> of a rack-and-pinion type of steering mechanism...

I just looked at your pictures, and I wonder if the way you've got the
final axles mounted (1x2 gray 2-hole beam, studs into side of 1x6
yellow 5-hole beam) is OK.  I seem to recall reading somewhere that
the parts fit that way, but that the mating caused deformation of
either the studs or the holes if left for a long time.

Does anybody else remember that passage?  Or am I just inventing
excuses for why I didn't think of this nice solution? :-)


Don't worry, someone did say that.  On page 14 of The Art of LEGO Design
(, Fred Martin
admonishes us not to do that because the plastic will in fact eventually

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rack and Pinion Steering and idea for precise angle of rotation detection
(...) implementation (...) Don't worry, someone did say that. On page 14 of The Art of LEGO Design (, Fred Martin admonishes us not to do that because the plastic will in fact eventually deform. (25 years ago, 12-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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