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 Robotics / 8126
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Re: tracking robot position
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 12:58:05 GMT
Philippe Jadin <PHILIPPE.JADIN@SKYNET.BEavoidspam>
981 times
Using two rotation sensors should do the job nicely, at a higher cost
however. But you can connect them directly to the RCX.
About that : did anyone build a reliable (and cheaper) rotation sensor
replacement? Why not using a lego wheel with holes and some kind of
mouse light sensor :

Light out  ->0 || 0-> Light sensor (->to the rcx)
               ||------  rotation axis

How about converting this sensor information to the 4 state (?) rcx
rotation sensor pulses?


I need a way to track the position of my robot, and I realized that attaching
the PC mouse to it might do the trick!

Without hardware intervention, the only way is to have a cord going to the PC
thus limiting the range and the elegance(!?) of the solution - maybe it is
possible to just use the mouse sensors and wheels as "home-made" rotation
sensors and plug them directly to the RCX?

A disadvantage would be that 2 input ports will be used, but if an extension
plate is used on the 3rd to enable 4 extra touch sensors, it might not be such
a big problem after all...


                             Philippe Jadin
                             Belgium, Europe
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Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: tracking robot position
(...) My initial thought was to use an old discarded mouse, at cost 0... ;-) (...) There are some of those, using optic fibre from the Extreme Creatures kit, for example. /Vlad (25 years ago, 12-Nov-99, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: tracking robot position
This isn't suitable for Vlad's original problem, but I do want to point out that motors can be adapted as cheap rotation sensors (actually rotational velocity sensors, which is the first deriviative of what a normal rotation sensor gives you) by (...) (25 years ago, 13-Nov-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  tracking robot position
Hi all! I had an idea last night, and I think something good might come out of it, with so many smart people around! *s* I need a way to track the position of my robot, and I realized that attaching the PC mouse to it might do the trick! Without (...) (25 years ago, 11-Nov-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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