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 Robotics / 7237
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Re: Could somebody use this program?
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:51:25 GMT
789 times
In lugnet.robotics, Michael Lachmann writes:
Hy I'm the author of MLCad and I'm dreaming a bit now. My idea was to write
a program which is able to program the CyberMaster and the RCX brick.
To construct the program I though I might use something like building blocks
one for each possible operation, statement... (generally similar to Lego's
Invention System Software).
But it would be able to load the program to a CyberMaster brick as well and
maybe the program is a little bit more handy than Lego's software.

I would not start with this program, if you think its waisted time ... or
please report ... if you saw a program like that somewhere else. Don't mix
it up with other firmware projects for the RCX since this doesn't work with
the CyberMaster!!!!

Please post comments to this group or send them via e-mail




You may want to take a look at Mark Overmars' RCX Control Center (RCXCC).
I think that fits pretty close to your description except for the building
block part.


Message is in Reply To:
  Could somebody use this program?
Hy I'm the author of MLCad and I'm dreaming a bit now. My idea was to write a program which is able to program the CyberMaster and the RCX brick. To construct the program I though I might use something like building blocks one for each possible (...) (25 years ago, 5-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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