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Re: Mechanical question
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 02:42:38 GMT
Michael Aaron Finch <GOBLINTRAIN@USWEST.NETnospam>
1188 times
U R My hero (next to my dad).  Only problem w/him is that he never explains anything!!!  : )

Michael Aaron

Paul Speed wrote:

Jon Shemitz wrote:

Laurentino Martins wrote:

Also important in all this is the distance the tracks are apart. The further apart the less friction they have, since the radius is larger.
Same happens with wheels.

Why is this? The further apart they are, the greater r*cos(theta) is
going to be for any given theta. Seems like that would make for more
turning resistance, not less.

        Because the wheel base length shrinks in relation to the
turning radius.  It is this distance that causes the friction.  The
further this point is from the imaginary circle that the treads
describe, the more perpendicular friction there is.  As the turning
radius increases and the tread length stays the same, the tread
more closely approximates this imaginary circle.

        If necessary I can probably even show it mathematically.
        -Paul (,
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  Re: Mechanical question
(...) Because the wheel base length shrinks in relation to the turning radius. It is this distance that causes the friction. The further this point is from the imaginary circle that the treads describe, the more perpendicular friction there is. As (...) (26 years ago, 27-Jul-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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